Renewal of welfare medical expense eligibility certificate

If you are a single-parent family, etc. and currently have a welfare medical care eligibility card, the town will send you a notice and you are required to renew it. Those who fail to come for renewal within the time period will lose their eligibility and will not be able to receive the subsidy. In addition, those who are not currently receiving the subsidy and are eligible for the following should apply for the subsidy.

Single-parent families, etc.


From July 20 (Thursday) , 2023 to July 26 (Wednesday), 2023 (excluding Sundays and holidays)
8:30 to 19:00  [until 17:00 on July 22 (Saturday)]

Application Location

National Health Insurance Section (Window No. 2 on the 1st floor)


  • Maternal or paternal child without a spouse who is under 50,000 yen in income tax and supporting a child under 18 years old
    (Spouse includes a person who is in a situation similar to that of a de facto marriage.)
  • Children under 18 years old without parents with an income tax of less than 50,000 yen

However, even if the amount of income tax calculated as if there were no abolition of the deduction for minor dependents and the additional portion of the deduction for specified dependents due to the Act for Partial Revision of the Income Tax Act, etc. (Act No. 6 of 2010) would be less than 50,000 yen, the amount of income tax is also deemed to be less than 50,000 yen.

What to bring

  • Health insurance card (for all eligible persons)
  • Welfare medical expense eligibility card
  • One of the following that shows your income tax status for 2022
    (Not required for those who have resident registration in Oizumi Town on January 1, 2023)

    1. Withholding Tax Certificate” for the year 2022
    2. A “copy of your tax return” for the year 2022 (fiscal year 2023)
    3. Municipal and Prefectural Tax Payment Notification” for the fiscal year 2023
    4. Certificate of Income Taxation (including earned income credit)” for fiscal year 2023

Requests to those who use the welfare medical care system

The welfare medical care system is funded by your taxes. In order to maintain this system for the future, we ask for your understanding and cooperation in making sure that you receive appropriate medical examinations.


National Health Insurance Division, Resident & Economic Affairs Department
Telephone number: 0276-63-3111
Counter location: Counter No. 2 on the 1st floor of the Town hall