For workers during pregnancy, maternity leave, or child care leave

It is against the law that employers or HR staff give workers unfair treatment including dismissal and the contract change to part-time on grounds of pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, etc.   

Examples of unfair treatment

  • I was told that my employment status would be changed from full-time to part-time, when I announced my pregnancy. 
  • My superior told me that there is no maternity leave for part-time employees, and he urged me to quit. 
  • My colleague told me that work is not left to a pregnant woman.

If you suspect a violation of law, please do not hesitate to consult.


Employment environment and Equal Employment Department of the Gunma Labour Bureau

  • Address: Maebashi District Joint Government Building 8F
    2-3-1 Ote-machi, Maebashi-city
  • Reception: 8:30 – 17:15 (except for Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, and the year-end and New Year Holidays)
  • Phone: 027-896-4739

Please note that consultation is in Japanese.


Free of charge

Multilingual Leaflets